Thursday 9 October 2014

Meal Prep!!

I wanted to post about Meal Prep, I do get a lot of questions about it so I thought I would air it all out!  With my shakes, as stated before I do 1 scoop Strawberry Shakeology, 1 purple container of fruit, 1/4 cup yogurt and about 1/2 cup water for my smoothies every morning.  To make it EASIER on myself, I buy my fruit frozen and package it in Ziploc bags when I get it home.  It makes it so much easier in the morning trying to get the kids ready and lunches made, etc to just grab a bag and throw it in the blender!!

Here is my prepackaged bags- 1 Green Container of Spinach mixed with some carrots (a friend told me to put carrots in to hide them from my kiddies, smart woman!), 1 Purple container of fruit (strawberries, peaches and mangos).  All of this in the bag so in the morning I just plop it into the blender with yogurt, Shakeology and Water and we are good to go!

Tips #2

I also pre package my frozen veggies.  I do this because on Monday and Tuesdays, it is very busy in our house.  We have swimming on Mondays and Gymnastics on Tuesday nights so getting home from work and out the door is not the easiest! On those days, I have started to pre package and freeze slow cooker meals as well as 4 servings of veggies so I can pop them into the steamer when we get home and voila it is done in minutes! It's the perfect solution to busy people trying to keep your meals healthy and easy all at the same time! Take a Sunday afternoon to prepare and your week will be peeeerfect! I have attached a link to the slow cooker meals I have found.  I was finally able to find recipes that were decent for you (actually pretty good for you) that were not full of fatty foods, or sodium and the ones we tried were delicious! I hope you enjoy them too!

Here are my veggies that I took I bought tonight and pre packages, I use the Green container so I know how many servings are in each! I also buy frozen cauliflower, carrots and broccoli mixture which is a hit around here!

On the nights that we don't have something going on we will have fresh veggies, but steamed veggies have to be the best!! MMM MMM
 (the crock pot recipe blog I mentioned above)

She has some great ideas, here are the ones we tried;
Applesauce BBQ Chicken
Pesto Chicken
Mongolian Beef
Orange Chicken
and Beef Tips
(We enjoyed every single one) We usually paired with Brown Rice and some Veggies, or a Salad.

You have to check out the website, she has some great meals for people that like to prepare and don't have a lot of time on their hands! :) ENJOY! - EMAIL - WEBSITE 

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