Those dreaded photos that no one ever likes to take... UNTIL you get that rockin' body that you have always wanted on your after photo shots and all you want to do is find a reason to post a photo of yourself in a bikini... yes, I am talking about those photos. I remember back in February when I was asked to take before photos of myself and I remember my coach telling me that I was going to be so impressed when my after photos were taken and the before photos would just be a mere blur in my mind... Did I believe her? No, I didn't, but I did them anyway and sent them her way. But... 21 days later I took those after photos, I actually got my husband to do them instead of me hiding in my room with a makeshift camera to take them. I was so happy, impressed, proud and felt better than ever in my after photos. I was so excited to share them with my coach and now, I am actually sharing them with others, and it feels good to be able to do that. So.. here are my before and after.
Before, at my Grandpa's cabin last year about the same time dreading getting into a bathing suit but having to anyway to play with my kids. I was so unhappy with my body and extremely tired, all I wanted to do was crawl in a little hole. I know I had just had a baby 5 months prior, but I still was not happy with the way I looked and percieved myself.
After, today as my husband walked in the door I asked him to take a photo of me in my life now. My happy, healthy, energetic and not so tiring after photo. Although my 1 year still doesn't sleep, I am still able to stay energetic, motivated and ready for my day. I thank Shakeology for that one and I thank Autumn at 21 Day Fix for making me get my butt out of bed so I can take after photos I am proud of!
I may not be at exactly what I picture myself, but I am darn close ands happy about where I am!
So go ahead and take those dreaded before photos, but make sure you remember that those after photos are the ones that are more important. Where you will be when you are happy, healthy and changing your life is the more important photo!
I am leaving my email for anyone that wants more information on Beachbody Products, Shakeology, Etc... 21 Day Fix changed my life, it may change yours! - Email